
iPhone Apps I Frequent -- Starbucks and Yelp

These posts will be a series of iPhone apps I use constantly... Does anyone else forget what they got their phone out for and just flash between pressing the apps and the home button while trying to look for something familiar to remember what your purpose was?  YES?!  Well these are the ones I flash between (In no predetermined order, of course, that would require way too much thought)...

1. Starbucks -- Since I am addicted to Starbucks iced coffee!  You know when you get a Starbucks giftcard and there is that little sticker on the bottom right corner that tells you to register the card?  WELL DO IT! And add more $$ to your card because Starbucks uses these cards for their rewards program!  I mean its not the best rewards program in the business but after you make 5 purchases on your card you can get FREE refills while you are sitting at Starbucks on any brewed coffee (Iced Coffee... YESSS!!), get a free coffee on your birthday, and free flavorings.  

The coolest part about the Starbucks app?.... You can pay for your coffee using your phone by the cashier scanning a digital version of your reloadable giftcard!  Technology! Geeesh!

2. YELP -- I am new to the Yelp world, but am SOOOO glad I discovered it.  Yelp is amazing for finding just about anything to do or anything to eat.  You can read a gillion reviews for places to help you decide on the best to go to.  Of course you have your occasional annoying ranter, but it's worth it, especially when you can see what a restaurants best dish is by reading reviews or the coolest place to see a movie.   Sometimes when you "check in" to places they will give you a deal on your next visit like Buy One Get One or 25% off.  So cool!

Why do people in LA love donuts and assorted pastries so, so much??

The coolest part about the Yelp app?  ... The ease of Redo-ing your search in the area of your choice!  It makes it so easy to find stuff around your current location or to pick and choose where you want the search to be.  

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