ALL of these shows are super amaz-a-ling and every episode should be watched with complete concentration.... Why havn't you watched them yet? Get on it!
It is pretty much impossible to watch LOST without complete silence... If you want to talk you must wait until commercial breaks. Also, Hurley is named after Hurley from LOST and he is cool.
Sylar scares the poop out of me and Hiro Nakamura is the coolest! Just his name is fun to say. Where did this show go :(
I never thought I would like a show about Zombies... but seriously this is great! Love a good apocalypse!
Seriously funny. Love Charlie Day. Love. Day Man, fighter of the Night Man. Woooahhh-ahhh. Champion of the sun. Master of karate and friendship for everyone.
Party Down! WooWoo! Very dry humor, nonetheless amazing. I want to be these people for Halloween next year, such a great costume! This is a written record. When I am trying to figure out who to be next year and completely forget this was ever an idea, someone please remind me. Thank you in advance.
Tina Fey, you are mad-genius. This show is fan-freakin-tastic. I saw Tracey Morgan once at a live comedy show in NYC. I saw Tracey Morgan for the second time on a street in SOHO where he rolled up, parked his SUV illegally and had a broken? foot. I just want to make it clear that I saw and recognized him first before the swarm of people trying to get their pictures taken with him, but I was too much of a baby to say anything except for whispers to Angel. This will probably be what I do every single other time I see someone I know from the television.
Arrested Development! Michael Cera is a bit of a creeper in this one, but I still watched the entire series in less than a week. Totally worth it. There is talk (as there always is) of this becoming a movie? For realizes that would be fantastic. We all need a little more of the Bluth family in our lives.
I know The Office is getting old, but I still love, love, love it. The character development is fantastic. You feel like you know those people. I totally did not realize Mindy Kaling (Kelly) was a writer on the show. I can't wait to read her book. After watching however many seasons of the show you have to love all of those characters, no doubt. :)
New Girl! So even though this show is brand new this year, I really like it so far! Zooey Deschanel is fun plus I super-love the apartment they live in. For-realzies, I hope it stays good or gets better. Totally a feel-good comedy.
I started watching Modern Family because I was forced to through an assignment in a Parenting class at OSU. Gigantic thank you to that professor. Love everything about this show (especially the younger brother Luke, so hilarious)... and this random picture I found of it!
Undeclared. Jason Segel... I know you were hardly in this, but you were and are amazing. Yes this show is old, yes you should totally still watch it. Seth Rogan whhhhhaaat?
Freaks and Geeks. I absolutely loved this show as a kid. Judd Apatow why must they always cancel your fantastic work with amazing casting? (he did Undeclared too!) Freaks and Geeks had a short life, but man, it was great. Jason Segel, Seth Rogan, Martin Starr, James Franco?!?!? What!? Can you say cult classic, cause it is.
No more excuses for nothing to watch. Get on it.